最佳停止點 Optimal Stopping: 秘書問題, 37% rule, 完全資訊賽局, 臨界值法則, 

開發與善用 Explore/Exploit: 多臂土匪問題, 吉廷斯指數, regret minimization framework, Restles bandit,

排序 Sorting: O(1), O(n), O(n2)~Round-Robin,氣泡/插入/合併, O(n log n)~bracket tournamen, 桶, O(nm), noise+comparison counting sort, 啄序,

快取 Caching: 記憶體階層, 快取的快取/六階層快取, memory wall, eviction policy, 貝雷迪演算法, Ramdom eviction, FIFO, LRU (Least recently used), temporal locality, Z-order, Akamai, CDN, 遺忘曲線, SRAM, 

排程 Scheduling: 最早到期日 Earliest due date減少最大延遲, 摩爾演算法, 最短處理時間sum of completion time減少完成總時間/shortest processing time, weight, debt avalanche/debt snowball, priority inversion, priority inheritance, precedence constraint, preemption, thrashing, threading, 往復移動, period, 中斷接合interrupt coalescing, timeboxing/pomodoro, batch processing, 

貝氏法則 Bayes's Rule: 拉普拉斯定律, 哥白尼定律/原理, uniform prior, scale-free distribution, preferential attachment, multiplicative rule, average rule, additive rule, memoryless, 

過度適配 Overfitting: Q.E.D., metric, noise, cross-validation, regularization, 拉索演算法, 複雜性懲罰, 

鬆弛 Relaxation: 草原律師問題/郵差問題/業務員出差問題/送貨無人機問題, 約束最佳化, cobham-edmaonds thesis, polynomial time, 限制鬆弛法contraint relaxation, minimum spanning tree, 連續鬆弛法discrete optimization, 拉氏鬆弛法lagrangian relazation, 

隨機性 Randomness: 蒙地卡羅法, sieve of erastothenes, polynomial identity testing, veil of ignorance, bloom filter, 登山法hill climbing method, 貪婪演算法, jitter, tandom-restart hill climbing/shotgun hill climbing, metropolis algorithm, 模擬退火simulation annealing, 

網路 Networking: TCP, packet switching, triple handshake, control message, 應答封包ACK, exponential backoff, alohanet, metacommunicate, AIMD, TCP sawtooth, peter principle, bufferbloat, tail drop, 封包捨棄, 無限延遲, ECN

賽局理論 Game Theory: halting problem, recursion, prisoner's dilemma, dominant stategy, price of anarchy, tragedy of commons, mechanism design, 情緒與道德就是一種生物的機制設計, sealed-bid first-price auction, Dutch auction/descending auction, English auction/ascending auction, 資訊瀑布, 基本面派/技術分析派, vickrey auction, revenue equivalence, revelation principle, 




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